There are a lot of things that happen in the world that make you wonder “Why is it like that?” Kevin & Jenna are here to answer these questions and solve these Mundane Mysteries.

Tune in weekdays at 2:30pm to find out answers to questions you never knew you had.

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Which animal has the longest lifespan?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Which animal has the longest lifespan?

The animal with the longest lifespan isn’t one that you might think. It’s actually a species of clam called the ocean quahog (fans of Family Guy are cheering right now). They are known to live until about 400 years old! You can find them all the way up and down the east coast from Canada…Continue Reading

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: How do dogs sweat?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: How do dogs sweat?

This weekend is supposed to get pretty warm Saturday and Sunday in the 80s. If you have a dog they’ll probably be pretty hot and sweaty. But how do dogs sweat? A lot of people think it’s through their mouth. That definitely cools them down when they stick out their tongue and start panting. But…Continue Reading

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why are cardinals red?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why are cardinals red?

I thought of this one over the weekend after seeing what was probably the brightest red cardinal I’ve ever seen. But what makes these amazing birds that color? It’s actually pretty interesting. Their diet is so much fruit and berries that it impacts the color of their feathers/wings to turn that red shade. In turn…Continue Reading

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Does chewing gum help get rid of hearburn?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Does chewing gum help get rid of hearburn?

Heartburn is the WORST right? You have a delicious meal and then a few hours later you get that horrible feeling. There are a million remedies out there but I’ve always heard chewing gum helps a lot. It’s true! The saliva that is created by chewing gum becomes more alkaline, which neutralizes the acid reflux…Continue Reading