There are a lot of things that happen in the world that make you wonder “Why is it like that?” Kevin & Jenna are here to answer these questions and solve these Mundane Mysteries.

Tune in weekdays at 2:30pm to find out answers to questions you never knew you had.

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Is coffee actually good or bad for you?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Is coffee actually good or bad for you?

If you’re a cover lover like myself you’ve probably heard and read both things. That coffee is very BAD for you and that it’s very GOOD for you. This latest study done by the American College of Cardiology is very encouraging if you love your coffee. They found that drinking two to three cups of…Continue Reading

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Do real bears really love honey? And why?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Do real bears really love honey? And why?

We’ve all grown up knowing that Winnie the Pooh loves honey and the honey bottles are even shaped like bears! But do real bears actually eat or even like honey? The answer is yes. Honey actually provides a lot of protein and nutrients essential to their way of living. But they don’t only eat the…Continue Reading

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: How long has Netflix been around?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: How long has Netflix been around?

To many people Netflix still feels like a relatively new company. That’s mostly because they have done a tremendous job adapting to the everchanging entertainment environment. Where’s all my Netflix OG’s who had DVDs lined up in their queue to be mailed?! What a lot of people don’t realize is just how long Netflix has…Continue Reading

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Is it St. Patty’s or St. Paddy’s?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Is it St. Patty’s or St. Paddy’s?

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! You’ve probably seen a lot of people shortening it to either St. Paddy’s or St. Patty’s in your feed and on their posts today. But which one is correct? Here is the official explanation if you don’t want to make everyone is Ireland mad. Since Patrick is the English version of…Continue Reading

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: What exactly is the “Ides of March”?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: What exactly is the “Ides of March”?

You might have seen this trending… today is the Ides of March. But what exactly is it? And when did it start? A lot of people believe it to be an unlucky day because it’s the anniversary of Julius Caesar’s assassination by the Roman Senate on March 15th 44 BC. The phrase “Beware the Ides…Continue Reading