There are a lot of things that happen in the world that make you wonder “Why is it like that?” Kevin & Jenna are here to answer these questions and solve these Mundane Mysteries.

Tune in weekdays at 2:30pm to find out answers to questions you never knew you had.

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Who took the first selfie?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Who took the first selfie?

Selfies have become such a huge part of our culture since the invention of smart phones but who took the first one?! A lot of people say Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian… when it fact it was someone WAY before those two were even born. Back in 1839 there was a guy in Philadelphia named…Continue Reading

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: What on earth is an Ice Box Cake?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: What on earth is an Ice Box Cake?

The results are in and Connecticut’s favorite dessert is… Ice Box Cake. Wait, what now? That’s right, one of those wacky Google search articles came out about each state’s favorite dessert. Obviously Ice Cream, Jell-O, and cake were all big winners. But then I got down to Connecticut and saw that ours was “Ice Box…Continue Reading

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why is it called Fat Tuesday?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why is it called Fat Tuesday?

Today is March 1st. It’s also Mardi Gras and Fat Tuesday! But why do we call it that? Traditionally Fat Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday. Which is the start of Lent in western religions like Roman Catholic and Protestant. The idea was that people would eat all the meat and fatty foods they…Continue Reading

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why do dogs like squeaky toys so much?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why do dogs like squeaky toys so much?

If you have a dog you’ve probably by now realized how much they like chewing and playing with squeaky toys. But why does this high pitch noise inside of a stuffed animal or rubber casing bring them so much joy? The reason is because dogs are decedents of wolves. This act of chasing or chewing…Continue Reading