There are a lot of things that happen in the world that make you wonder “Why is it like that?” Kevin & Jenna are here to answer these questions and solve these Mundane Mysteries.

Tune in weekdays at 2:30pm to find out answers to questions you never knew you had.

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why is the Grinch green?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why is the Grinch green?

You’ve probably started watching Christmas movies already… have you got to The Grinch yet? One mystery about him… why is he green? The director of the original animated special How The Grinch Stole Christmas! back in 1966 was trying to figure out what color the Grinch should be when we was making the film. At…Continue Reading

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Is Rudolph male or female?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Is Rudolph male or female?

Whether you’re listening to the song or watching the classic movie you’ve probably assumed in your head that Rudolph is either a boy or a girl. But which one is true?! According to science Rudolph is actually female. A few professors at Edinburgh University have said that Rudolph cannot be a male because female reindeer…Continue Reading

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: What is Omicron and how do you pronounce it?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: What is Omicron and how do you pronounce it?

As you have most likely heard by now there is a new COVID-19 variant, which now been detected here in the U.S. out in California. The name is a little strange though, Omicron. It was named after the 15th letter of the Greek alphabet. When it comes to how to pronounce it, there’s multiple ways. Here’s…Continue Reading

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Where did the term “Cyber Monday” come from?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Where did the term “Cyber Monday” come from?

If you were born, lets say before 1990… then you probably remember the days of lining up 4am on Black Friday and the weeks that followed searching for those perfect gifts while battling crowds. Anyone younger has most likely done all their holiday shopping from their computer growing up. With today being Cyber Monday I…Continue Reading

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why does turkey make us so sleepy?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why does turkey make us so sleepy?

It’s going to happen to all of us on Thursday right around an hour after your second helping of turkey. Eyes start to get heavy, the couch gets a little more comfy, the traditional post-meal nap! All thanks to turkey. But why? Turkey contains something called L-tryptophan. Which is an amino acid linked with sleep.…Continue Reading

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Are there any Thanksgiving songs?

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Are there any Thanksgiving songs?

With Thanksgiving coming up next week I was making a playlist for our family dinner and realized there aren’t many, if any, Thanksgiving songs. Yes, I know… the Adam Sandler one. But that’s more of a comedy sketch than a song. As I was researching this I discovered that Jingle Bells which we all know…Continue Reading