Listen weekdays 2-7pm with Kevin & Jenna. Each day they feature a feel good story of the day in “Tell Me Something Good” at 3:30pm

TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD: A wedding day story with a twist

TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD: A wedding day story with a twist

Summer wedding season is coming to a close and it’s time for all the beautiful fall weddings. It seems any wedding you go to there is always one very memorable moment that happens. This one seemed like it was extra special for this couple who got married last month in Detroit. The woman has two…Continue Reading

TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD: Apple Watch saves a women’s life

TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD: Apple Watch saves a women’s life

Technology is all around us nowadays. Sometimes it can be distracting, but other time it can be life saving. Which was that case when an Apple Watch saved a 70-year-old woman’s life in Arizona recently.  The watch was showing that her heart rate was 174 and that she was in A-Fib “call your doctor immediately”  So she…Continue Reading

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