Friday July 14, 2023:  Hard Vacations, Celebrity Ghostwriters, a Helluva Story, and Mommy’s Margarita Friday!

Ed has a Helluva Story today!  How did running a stop sign change his life forever? (:30)

Are listening skills important?  Find out in today’s All I Need to Know About You. What?  Exactly! (3:41)

Richard Simmons has been out of the public eye for a while.  So, why was he trending yesterday, and what will TV be like with the looming actors’ strike? (6:52)

When is a vacation not a vacation?  Listeners share their vacations that they needed vacations from. (10:49)

Jordan and Tina need help with their business finances.  Jordan wants to hire his brother who was fired for embezzlement, so Tina is a little nervous about it.  Is she right to be apprehensive about bringing him on board?  You decide in today’s Couples Court. (18:22)

Will Anna finally be able to sell off her “priceless” Beanie Baby?  Only if the price is right! (26:04)

Celebrities almost never write their own memoirs; most use a ghostwriter.  Emily Liebert is a celebrity ghostwriter and shares what it’s like to write for the stars. (28:47)

With a new $200 jackpot up for grabs, does Rebecca have what it takes to beat Raven at pop culture trivia?(33:03)

It’s Mommy’s Margarita Friday!  How did you earn your margarita this week? (36:40)