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Anna & Raven Try Tapple

Anna & Raven Try Tapple

Tapple gets super intense with Anna and Raven! The objective is to come up with as many words as possible before the timer runs out⏰ Last person standing wins!Continue Reading

Heatwave Hacks

Heatwave Hacks

What are your hacks for staying cool during a heatwave? Some people are very, very creative, catch up with the tips in the podcast!📸Getty ImagesContinue Reading

Hypergamy Relationships

Hypergamy Relationships

Did you marry someone out of your league? Marry up? Experts have put a fancy name on it, hypergamy. What made you better than your partner?! Or, what made your partner the better catch? Check out the podcast.Continue Reading

The Oreo Roll

The Oreo Roll

Roll an Oreo and cross your fingers that it lands in something tasty and not something that should never be paired with an Oreo!Continue Reading

Concerts are Different in Italy!

Concerts are Different in Italy!

While visiting Italy, Anna and her daughter attended a Taylor Swift concert, and the way Italians do concerts is a lot different than Americans! The biggest differences are in the podcast… and do we miss the wave?!📸Getty ImagesContinue Reading