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The Anna & Raven Show: Beefalo Update, Drama In The US Open And The Thermos Experiment
Wednesday September 9th, 2020 The thermos is back and with more uses (0:00) What is the first thing you do when you wake up? (2:56) All I need to know about you (10:34) Beefalo update! (14:38) Drama in the US open… (18:49) A bad decision caused these students BIG money! (22:20) Couples Court! (28:52) Eve…… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: At Home Movies, Credit Due And A Can’t Beat Raven Winner!
Tuesday September 8th, 2020 School lunch (0:00) Generic vs. Name brand (3:06) All I need to know about you (11:05) Credit due! (14:44) Renting movies at home (21:20) What makes your family unique? (25:15) Couples Court (32:44) Can’t Beat Raven; we have a winner! (39:41) Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Can’t Beat Raven Winner!
We finally got our winner for the $1,500 jackpot! Congratulations to Eve and thank you for playing Can’t Beat Raven! Would you have gotten any of these questions right?! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Self Cleaning Nanotec?
We are still living through the Coronavirus and our offices have been updated with self cleaning nanotechnology…Raven gives us a little tour of it all.… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: Party Anthems, Cheating Ex’s And Gas Station Food
Friday September 4th, 2020 Gas station foods (0:00) What is Nomophobia (6:15) All I need to know about you (9:52) A Beefalo is on the loose! (14:03) Party Anthems (17:17) Ever tell someone they were being cheated on? (21:02) Couples Court: Jarrett began building a shed with his sons at the start of the pandemic…… Continue Reading

Raven Bought A Child Sized Mask?!
Anna thinks Raven bought a child sized mask from a gas station. You be the judge… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: Relationships, Back To School And Blue Blockers Return
Thursday September 3rd, 2020 Toxic relationships (0:00) Nicknames for your ex (3:29) All I need to know about you (10:00) Back to school, back to the night time ritual! (12:50) Blue blockers (22:15) Life advice with Hayden Zap! (24:52) Tanya thinks paying the kids every day for chores is no big deal, they make the…… Continue Reading

Can’t Stump Raven!
It’s hard to take Raven down in Can’t Beat Raven. Just when we think we can stump him, we learn dearly we are wrong! Would you have gotten all five of these questions right?!… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Show: Wildlife Creations, Hiding Food And Animal Attacks
Wednesday September 2nd, 2020 Hiding food from people in your house (0:00) Anna & Paul’s wildlife creations (7:01) All I need to know about you (12:27) Sheeran-Town? (14:31) When animals attack (18:44) Bullies (22:57) Couples Court: Quinton would like his girlfriend, Christine, to stop posting so many political social media posts. Even his boss made…… Continue Reading

Take Notes…
Learning what a “Tripple Crown “is, what game show Raven tried out for and much more! We love giving away money during Can’t Beat Raven, but we also love educating you!… Continue Reading