Tell Me Something Good: A Group Of Teens Have Started A Landscaping Business To Help People During Pandemic

Landscaping Contractor Work. Caucasian Gardener with His Equipment.

Tell Me Something Good: A Group Of Teens Have Started A Landscaping Business To Help People During Pandemic

The youth of America are really getting more and more helpful with their ideas during this pandemic. It’s inspiring to say the least.

This story is out of New Jersey where a group of teenagers have started their own landscaping business! They say they did it to stay busy during the summer, make some extra money, but also to help people who’ve been struggling during the pandemic.  They’re donating 10% of their profits to a local community food drive where they live.  Which is amazing.

My favorite part of this whole story though, is the name of their company… “Leaf-It To-Us.” These kids will 100% be the leaders of the biggest companies in the world someday.



Photo credit: Getty Images