Tell Me Something Good: There’s Still Good Strangers In The World

Elderly Man travels hitchhiking on the road

Tell Me Something Good: There’s Still Good Strangers In The World

I can’t help but feel that even with everything going on in the world with the Coronavirus Pandemic that in a way it has also brought out the good in people. You know what I mean, going above and beyond to help others just feels like it’s happening more since we are all in this together and trying to care for one another.

Perfect example is this story about a 79-year-old guy from Arizona who was trying to drive to Wisconsin to see his son for the first time in 18 years, but kept getting lost.  When he finally decided to stop for directions at a gas station in Illinois he came across a random couple who offered to drive WITH him the rest of the way, just to make sure he got there.

Now, in normal pre-pandemic world I would scream “STRANGER DANGER! Don’t do it old man! I’ve seen too many movies that end with you in that trunk” But this is 2020. A time when i would like to think we are all looking out for our fellow humans just a little bit more.


Photo credit: Getty Images