Thursday September 24th, 2020
What is the most important trait in the opposite sex for you? We have the list of the top six things people look for in the opposite sex. (0:00)
Anna ran into a friend at a store and wondered why she was buying Pumpkins from there when she usually gets them from the same local farmers market they both shop at. Ends up, she needed them for a photo shoot and was going to return them right after. Ever buy an item, only to use it for one purpose than return it? (2:49)
If you fake your own kidnapping during a school Zoom session or if your business says page says everything is in stock, you pay for said item and have to wait three weeks for the order, that’s all I need to know about you! (13:27)
Anna is searching for a new car and finding it to be a bit difficult, and the car she wants only has it one color that Anna doesn’t like. The color of your car apparently says a lot about you too…But what is it? (17:06)
While shopping at Walmart, a tabloid magazine caught Anna’s eye. Upon reading it had some life hacks, like curing midnight sweats & how to get rid of depression using magnets. Of course she wanted to use Raven a guinea pig, so she places magnets all over his face to see if it really does cure depression. (24:30)
It’s time for Life advice with Hayden Zap! Have a problem? You can always ask Anna’s 11-year-old daughter. She may not be an expert, but that won’t stop her from giving her opinion! (29:35)
Couples Court: Jessica & Eddie’s 13-year-old daughter wants to invite her boyfriend over the house to hang out. Jessica says she’s way too young to have a boyfriend at the house. At school, online, on the phone, that’s okay, but not in person at their home. Eddie believes that they should have him over and treat him like he is just another one of her regular friends. (32:35)
Will Raven begin a whole new streak today or will he fall flat and give away the $100 jackpot?! Find out in Can’t Beat Raven! (39:34)