MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why Is Tin Foil Only Shiny On One Side?

Aluminum Foil

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why Is Tin Foil Only Shiny On One Side?

You’ve used it a million times for baking, grilling, storing food, keeping things hot. But why is only 1 side of tin foil shiny?!

According the the experts at Reynolds, there is not really a big difference between the two sides. The reason for the dull side and shiny side has to do with how the product is manufactured.

No matter which side is it they both do the job when it comes to keeping those leftovers in the fridge or keeping those fries warm out of the air fryer. The only time it DOES make a difference is if you buy the “Non-stick” Reynolds foil which has a protective coating on one side. If you’re using that they suggest only placing food on the side marked “non-stick” for maximum efficiency.

Happy cooking!


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