After the last year, did you ever think there were things you would miss about being in lockdown? Turns out a large of people amount of people feel that way though!
Do you have good grammar? It’s National Grammar Day, and Anna wants to see how good Raven’s Grammar is, so she gives him a quiz! Find out how he does in the podcast! (2:09)
It’s great when you find a new show to binge watch, but if you’re staying up until midnight to catch the latest episode, even when you work at 4am, that’s all I need to know about you! (5:24)
Are you up to date on this weeks news? If not, Anna and Raven will get you up to speed. Anna picks 3 news stories from this week, and Raven picks the one they discuss! Today’s options include a porch pirate dressed as an alien, two roommates fist fighting over Abba, and two guys who got blown out to sea on a blow up mattress! (9:04)
Do you remember your first word? What about your child’s first word? Anna is bothered by the fact that both of her daughters said “Dada” before “Mama”, and her youngest even learned the dog’s name first! (12:56)
Are you an easy Mom or a hard Mom? What do you think your kids would say? Anna and Raven asked 10 different moms what they thought! (19:25)
What are your first date “red flags”? Anna and Raven talk to comedian and dating expert Courtney Davis, and she has some advice about some unexpected red flags to look out for!(26:19)
Laura believes that their parakeets should “live free” and she allows them to fly around the house out of the cage. Tony says it’s disgusting and not safe! They go to the bathroom everywhere and what if they manage to get out? She thinks he’s overreacting; she’s giving them recess. It’s just for an hour a day, animals don’t belong in cages! Whose side are you on? (37:02)
The jackpot for Can’t Beat Raven is up to $1700! Does Kelly have what it takes to end Raven’s winning streak? (45:02)