MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why are there no windows in grocery stores?

At the Supermarket: Man in a Hurry Pushes Shopping Cart full of Items, He's Walking Through Different Section of the Big Bright Mall.

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why are there no windows in grocery stores?

Next time you’re shopping for milk and eggs take a look around the store. No windows! But why?

It’s part of the retail shopping psychology. The strategy being to create a shopping environment where people feel comfortable to spend both a lot of time and money. Same idea as a casino.

Having no windows creates a feeling of endless time and make people forget about bad weather outside or if it’s getting dark out. After all, the longer you shop, the more you spend usually.

There’s a few practical reasons too. Having Large windows with sunlight beaming in all day might cause fading on packages, making them seem old or worn. There’s also the issue of space. Every window you put up takes away precious wall space for product.

So next time you’re pushing your cart around the store just be aware it was no accident that you can’t see out to the sky.


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