MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why are so many restaurants closed on Mondays?

Chairs on the tables of a restaurant forced to close during lockdown to control COVID-19 pandemic, Cambridge, UK

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why are so many restaurants closed on Mondays?

If you’ve ever worked in the restaurant industry you’re probably familiar with having Monday’s off. But why is it Mondays?

First, Monday doesn’t make a lot of financial sense for most restaurants. Everyone goes on on the weekend and by Monday they don’t want to spend more money going out to eat. This makes Monday the slowest day of the week for most places. It also gives the staff a break after working like crazy over the busy weekend.

A lot of chains or smaller places might be open 7 days a week, but even if a place is open on Monday a lot of times managers will use that day to train new staff or work out new systems. So probably still best to wait until at least Tuesday to go out to eat. 

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