TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD: Nintendo’s new idea is making kids smile in Children’s Hospitals across the country

Close up of father and son playing video game.

TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD: Nintendo’s new idea is making kids smile in Children’s Hospitals across the country

Every parent hopes they never have to spend time in a children’s hospital with their kids, but the reality is that it happens for a lot of families every single day. The more we can make the experience a little more positive for people, the better. Which is exactly what Nintendo is doing with their new idea.

Nintendo has partnered with a charity called Starlight Children’s Foundation to put custom Nintendo Switch Gaming stations in hospitals and health care facilities around the country for the kids to use. The consoles are pre-loaded with 25 games. Everything from Super Mario Party to Legend of Zelda and more. And they are made special for a hospital setting. 

It’s been proven that gaming can deliver happiness to kids stuck in the hospital because it gives them a nice distraction from all the stress of their medical care. It can also help put them in a better mood and reduce anxiety. Especially if they are winning at whatever game they’re playing! 

Nice work, Nintendo. 

Photo credit: Getty Images

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