TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD: Scary trip to get donut has happy ending

Colorful glazed donuts pyramid on a white plate standing on a wooden table close to black desposable paper coffee cup

TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD: Scary trip to get donut has happy ending

This story could have had a tragic ending, but thanks to one super hero Dad it was all smiles in the end.

A dad and his son were at a local donut shop in Aurora, Colorado on their weekly trip to get a weekend donut when a car crashed through the front of the store.  The guy was able to pull his four-year-old son out of the path of the car just in time saving the day.

The owners of the donut shop are now giving the kid one free donut every Saturday for the rest of his life. How cool is that?! Glad everyone is okay in the end too.

Photo credit: Getty Images

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