MUNDANE MYSTERIES: What is the 5-4-3-2-1 trick and does it really work for stress?

Black woman is suffering eyestrain and headache

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: What is the 5-4-3-2-1 trick and does it really work for stress?

It’s safe to say we have all been a little more stressed and on edge lately these past few years with everything going on. One of the ways to calm and destress yourself according to experts is the 5-4-3-2-1 trick. So what is it exactly and why does it work?

The next time you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed all you have to do is first, think about five things you can see. Then four things you can feel. Next, three things you can hear. Two things you can smell. Then end with the thought of one thing you can taste.

Doing all of that in a row is supposed to shift your attention to your senses.  So you should feel more focused on the present instead of what’s been bothering you.

Worth trying right?!

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