MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Is coffee actually good or bad for you?

Closeup image of a man and a woman clinking coffee mugs in cafe

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Is coffee actually good or bad for you?

If you’re a cover lover like myself you’ve probably heard and read both things. That coffee is very BAD for you and that it’s very GOOD for you. This latest study done by the American College of Cardiology is very encouraging if you love your coffee.

They found that drinking two to three cups of coffee a day could in fact add YEARS to your life.  The results showed that coffee had a positive or at least neutral effect on your heart, and it’s even safe for people who currently have heart disease.

The study included 400,000 people for at least a decade.  Showing that coffee actually lowers the risk of heart disease and dangerous heart rhythms.

Now, this doesn’t include the giant sugary frozen coffees or whatever coffee creation you come up with. Just regular normal coffee.

Another cup please!

Photo credit: Getty Images