Wednesday August 24, 2022:  Found in Your New Place; Wedding Guest Regret; Worst Job Ever

Wednesday August 24, 2022:  Found in Your New Place; Wedding Guest Regret; Worst Job Ever

You know your dogs love you, but you may not realize how much!  Raven read a new study about how dogs react to their owners and it’s guaranteed to bring a tear to your eye!  (:30)

Everyone has a busy schedule these days, but if you’re the type of person who never makes the time to respond to RSVP’s, then that’s all I need to know about you!  (3:16)

What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?  Raven’s wife Alicia has been on the show all week long and its been tough but it’s no where near the worst job she’s ever had!  (6:37)

Have you ever moved into a new place and found something that you didn’t expect?  Raven and his wife once lived in a place that was owned by the worst kind of dog owner!  (16:22)

Did you have a guest at your wedding that you wish hadn’t been there?  After thinking about their own wedding, Raven and Alicia are pretty sure they would have cut their own guest list in half!  (22:04)

Alicia is going on a girl’s trip soon and Raven thinks it’s the perfect time to order a dumpster and start throwing things out! Alicia wants him to wait until she can help because Raven tends to throw things out that he shouldn’t. Should he get the dumpster and throw out what he chooses, or should he wait for Alicia? Whose side are you on?  (29:02)

Adam has got a shot at $600!  Can he beat Raven in pop culture trivia and win that money?  (36:05)