Friday November 11, 2022: Real Life homeward Bound; Eating Excuses; Mommy’s Margarita Friday

Friday November 11, 2022: Real Life homeward Bound; Eating Excuses; Mommy’s Margarita Friday

A good pair of jeans will last a long time, but one of Anna’s favorite pairs finally died in the most embarrassing way possible! (:30)

Raven and his wife Alicia are getting ready for the premiere of the new Christmas movie Santa’s Second Wife!  The problem is, Alicia refuses to buy anything, but Anna has the solution… (3:19)

It normal to forget your high beams are on, but if you actively use them as a weapon, that’s all I need to know about you! (6:28)

Do you make excuses when you eat something that’s not good for you?  Most people do, so Anna and Raven set out to find the top 5 excuses for eating junk food! (9:42)

Do you have a Helluva Story? Dan tells the story of how he almost a piece of his arm in a bike accident!  If you have a hell of a story, you can submit it at (12:07)

Many people have lost a pet, but has pet ever found they’re way back home years later?  There’s a viral story going around about a woman who found her lost cat after two years! (16:04)

It’s time for Mommy’s Margarita Friday: Father’s Day Edition!  Moms (and Dads) share all the crazy things that their kids have put them through this week that have definitely earned them a margarita! (27:00)

Alexis and Bruce have a 12-year-old daughter that gave one of her teachers the finger behind her back. The teacher joked that “she didn’t comb her hair this morning” and their daughter flipped her off never thinking she’d see- but she did. Her parents were called, and their daughter verbally apologized. Alexis doesn’t think a verbal apology is enough and wants her daughter to write her a card apologizing once again more formally. Bruce thinks the teacher had it coming, and a verbal apology is enough. What do you think? (30:27)

William has got a shot at $3300!  Can he beat Raven in pop culture trivia and claim the prize? (38:35)