Thursday July 13, 2023: Solo Vacations, Wax Museums, and Beanie Babies!

Thursday July 13, 2023: Solo Vacations, Wax Museums, and Beanie Babies!

Looks like Britney Spears is putting out a memoir. For a preview Anna and Raven go through her Instagram posts, and the results are rather unusual. (:29)

Everyone experiences weird behavior, and it tells us a lot about each other. All I need to know about you returns! (3:35)

Everyone needs to recharge their battery once in a while, but would you go on a solo vacation without your family or friends? (8:26)

Do wax museums need celebrities’ permission to use their image or likeness? The answer may surprise you! (17:23)

On today’s Couples Court, Dan is dating Olivia, but her ex-sleeps on her couch once a week. Should Dan be worried, or is he overreacting? (21:47)

Anna is still hanging onto her Beanie Babies from back in the day. Now it’s time to put one up for sale. Is Anna going to hit it rich or not so much? (30:27)