THE FEED: Winter is Coming! Let’s Talk Winterizing Our Homes!

Frozen. Sad latina female sit on couch at freezing cooled studio flat in warm cap and blanket shiver tremble with cold. Unhappy young lady spend time at home feel bad suffer of heating system problems

THE FEED: Winter is Coming! Let’s Talk Winterizing Our Homes!

Did you feel the chill in the air? Winter is right around the corner! Every Wednesday, Kevin and Jenna talk to a local expert about the things that make our lives easier, from home improvement to DIY to parenting. This week we chat with Home Expert Susie Calabrese of @susiecal_CT.  Today Susie has all the tips on winterizing our homes: inside and out. Ever thought about how the trees around your property could impact you home during stormy weather? Check out what Susie has to say about that and more!

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