Monday January 8, 2024: Found in the Fridge; Bridal Break-up; Broke and Run

Monday January 8, 2024: Found in the Fridge; Bridal Break-up; Broke and Run

Is ever a time when you would rather just stay at school or in the office? Anna’s older daughter asked Anna if she could leave school early, but changed her mind when Anna told her what they were going to do instead!

Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending, including the heart-warming moment from the Golden Globes!

Some therapists may disagree, but if you’re an adult who still journals every day, that’s all I need to know about you!

Did you have a dumb argument this weekend? Raven had a debate about the proper way to execute a cannonball!

Have you ever broken anything and just not told anyone? Anna found something suspiciously broken in her home and she’s determined to find out who!

Have you ever left anything in the fridge by accident? Anna and her husband got into a huge fight over something that went missing and ended up next to the milk!

Have you ever been kicked out of a bridal party before? Raven had a situation with a good friend of his that ended with her being expelled from the cermony!

Michelle and Bob have found what they believe is the perfect home and have an accepted offer. At the last showing though, the neighbor approached them with a folder with “rules” for the neighborhood. This is not a HOA, it is a random neighbor that wants lights off in the yard at a certain time, no noise, etc. Michelle thinks he’s nuts and wants to back out of the deal, Bob agrees the guy is over the top but refuses to give up the home because of it. Would you stay away from a house you really liked because the neighbor was eccentric?

John and his daughter are teaming up to beat Raven in pop culture trivia! Can they succeed and win the $3400 jackpot?