TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD: The first early sign that the holiday season has arrived

TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD: The first early sign that the holiday season has arrived

There are many things that give your body the warm and fuzzy signal that the holidays are approaching. One of my favorites is the arrival of the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree! I just loved the imagery of the tree arriving on the flatbed truck and the anticipation of the official tree lighting, which this year…

TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD: New Yorker goes all the way to Ireland to settle a debt

TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD: New Yorker goes all the way to Ireland to settle a debt

We’ve all been there. You’re a little short on cash, need to pay someone back. “I’ll owe ya!”. But the truly good people follow through and return that favor or pay that debt. Like this guy from Ireland who back in 2013 was visiting NYC when he realized he didn’t have enough money for the…

TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD: Broadway and Music Festivals Are Coming Back

TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD: Broadway and Music Festivals Are Coming Back

If you regret not buying tickets to that Broadway show you were dying to go pre-pandemic don’t worry… Broadway is back! Tickets for full-capacity shows will go on sale today. The performances won’t start up until the fall though. September 14th to be exact. Mostly because the theatres and shows need time to get performers…